Sunday, January 5, 2014

Tune Your Heart

Back of flower from a shop's garden bed, Vail, Colorado

This thing we call "reality," this crazy place filled with struggle and pain and discord and mind-****, is only a tiny slice of vibrational bandwidth on an infinitely broad range of being. And that infinitely broad range of being is YOU! We are so much more than meets the eye, and while "reality" (also affectionately known as an illusion) is a part of us and our experience, it is only a tiny little boxed-in, mixed up, fixed-in-place part! Just beyond the boundaries of our mind boxes are infinite possibilities and freedom. But "reality" is such a bully! It's why tuning in full-heartedly to this love hum, this truth that we are infinite, magnificent, divinely powerful and loving beings is so crazy! Surely we'd have to be crazy (by "reality's" standards) to believe that we are more than the sum of our physical and mental experiences. After all, those things are so, well, real. But you know what, my friends? I'm crazy, and when we're this kind of crazy, we're blazing brilliant in Truth. If we are just willing to consider the possibility of so much more than what the zoo tells us is real. After all, we already know what it's like in this particular box, this corner of the zoo - pretty hellish, if you ask me! Why not step on out into the open spaces of infinite love? Come on. Let's go.

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