Friday, September 19, 2014

I love you

As a friend of mine says, there is only One of us. Many expressions of that One, but there is only One, and we are All That.

Do something today that you love, not because you should, or because it's good, or because someone needs it from you, or because it's right or noble or required. Just because you love it, and you can, and it feels good to do it. Sometimes it's as simple as eating popcorn. I love popcorn! And I love walking slowly from here to there, noticing the leaves on trees, feeling the love of their Be-ing, seeing light and shadow, just noticing. I did that today. And then I ate popcorn. :)

Love you. When you love you, you love the entire world. Because there's only One of us, remember? I love you. And I love me. And that's the same thing. Isn't it wonderful?

Monday, September 8, 2014

Supermoon hearts

Moonplay! The energy of this supermoon has been intense - challenging and intoxicating and powerful all in one.  Have you felt some challenges in your bodies the last few days? Whoa! Mine has taken me for a crazy ride! Or maybe you've experienced a sense of emotional overwhelm, either from challenges piling up or perhaps just the sheer and stunning beauty of things. A lot is moving, for sure! Moving and waving and spinning and expanding. The energy of Life, Love, God, YOU. Breathe. Surrender. Let go. It's only the holding on that hurts.

The hearts in these photos require a bit of "I spy." They're not so obvious but kind of fun and playful to spot. The last one was the result a sweetly placed lens flare - thank you brilliant moonlight for lighting up the love!

The energies of this portal in time remind me to surrender to flow -  the flow of grace and the eternal, infinite opening of here and now.  Love to you, my beautiful, celestial friends.