Saturday, August 30, 2014

Hubble Brain

ANTs: Automatic Negative Thoughts (Daniel Amen's term), that run around our world – 
in the air, in the media, in our systems.

IB: Infinite Being, i.e. what you are – eternal, light-filled, peaceful, loving, 
and all-knowing through connection to the One that is All.

YB: Your Brain, a highly tuned information receiver and processor, as well as inventor/creator. 
YB can run the ANT or IB channel any time you choose.

Our brains are like giant, high-powered telescopes/processors that receive information as well as project it out into the world. They are the interface between us and our reality. And we get to choose where we point them. We can point them down at the ground where the ANTs are, or we can turn them upward into our hearts, toward the All, where they receive the most amazing and interesting information about everything going on at all levels of Be-ingness.

Ants are fine. Earthly ants are actually amazingly intelligent, resourceful, and communal, but a bit of observation shows the ANTs of our brains to be tricky, using shifty slights of hand to point us into endless distractions of fear, worry, and separation. It's ok if you find yourself spending time with the ANTs. Those thoughts are only there to remind us to look toward who we really are. And they’ll keep showing up until we always remember. Just softly tune your mind the other way. After a while, when it sees more and more of the amazing universe it can play in, the ANTs just don't seem that interesting any more.

So why not tip your Hubble up to the experience of the real you, where you are joyful and free and flying around with angels and light-beings and the magic of stardust? It’s where the love is! It’s where you are. And it’s actually who you are. Want to live at home? Me, too! :) And there's a great bonus! ANTs are actually a lot friendlier when we view them from the comfort of our real home, like watching a movie that we know is just pretend…

and this is not my photo, credited to Suara, but it just came across my facebook feed and I laughed out loud...

Thursday, August 14, 2014

The Light at the End of the Tunnel

Not only is there a light at the end of the tunnel, the tunnel is actually made of light. All is One, just varying shades along the spectrum of the same God energy.

We judge what we don't like or what causes pain as bad or wrong, and what gives us pleasure or agrees with our moral sense as right or good. Dark tunnel. Light. But in the land of God, there is just Is - the darkness of the tunnel, the light at the end, and everything in between. Without the judgments of our minds, we lose the "right" or "wrong," and see it's just pretty dang interesting! Then we find our tunnel becomes like a big slinky toy we can play with at will. Amazing.

Love you, whether you be tunneling or blazing or blissing.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Heart of Creation

OK, this is not for the faint of heart! But isn't it beautiful? 

Moments after birth I say, "Natalie! There's a heart in your placenta! Can I take it's picture?" "Oh sure! A lot of people do placenta photography."

Placenta photography. Another one of the many things I never knew about!

This was so beautiful to me. Heart of creation.

Since then we've seen cloud hearts and diaper hearts and the usual environmental hearts. We've discovered Maizee's power bottom, as she's capable of incredible projectile pooping (nothing in her vicinity is off limits). And we've basked in her angelic nature - content, sweet and easy. I love watching her while she sleeps. Her expression changes moment by moment. Anguish, surprise, distaste, delight and bliss tumble one after another across her cute face, an effortless swoop through a waterslide of emotion. With no past to fix anything in place and no thoughts on which to attach meaning, there is only flow. This. Now this. And this and this. Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh.

Love is everywhere, in everything. Sometimes it cries, sometimes it smiles. When we know this, we see it. In everything.

Picture posted with permission. :)

Monday, August 4, 2014

Maizee's heart cloud

My sweet granddaughter was born 3 days ago. Maizee Grace Larson, 5 lb 13 oz, b. August 1st at 12:12. I was able to be present at the birth, which was miraculous - the power and perfection of her mom's body bringing her into the world, the support of a brave husband who was suffering from a terrible flu and willed himself with all he had to be present for the moment of delivery (and he was!), the sweet arrival of an earlybird - 24 days before due date - who just couldn't wait to bring her love and light to us. I feel in her a powerful ability to open people's hearts, to heal with her very presence. She humbles me, this huge God-presence in such tiny form! Amazing. Amazing Maizee.

We are all so brave for coming here to this planet, for shining our divine light and presence into the darkness, for choosing love. It's time to know how miraculous we are, to love completely with every breath. Yes. You are a miracle.

This was the sky as I left the hospital the evening of her birth - rays of light coming up and through sweet tufts, with a tiny heart in the middle. I love you, Maizee Grace. The heart of God in me meets the heart of God in you. Grateful and grace-full.