Friday, June 27, 2014

Your Brilliant Subconscious, part 2

This is our Joe Pie Weed. He lives in our yard and grows every year to about 8 feet tall with frothy purple blossoms at the top. He is about 6 feet across. And.. he's growing Love! :) I just felt like sharing him with you today.

Thinking more about the power of our subconscious to shape the world...see part one if you missed the basic premise. This info is particularly useful for parents and teachers. Once I began noticing the power of how I phrase things, realized I had some changes to make in my teaching. Part of my work at Willamette U is teaching voice lessons and conducting a choir. I found myself saying stuff like "don't take a breath here," or "don't sing flat on this note, altos," or "don't let your tongue go back in your throat," or a myriad of other instructions that, due to the way the subconscious works with images, were in fact encouraging and solidifying the very things I was hoping to help the students avoid. Instead I learned to use phrases like "carry the tone through completely here" or "sing in the center of the pitch" or "keep your tongue forward."

Furthermore, I became increasingly sensitive to the energy of phrases commonly used in music (and life). "Let's nail it this time!" or "Let's kill it!" or "We destroyed that piece," all phrases meant to indicate something positive, but the energy of the phrases is heavier and denser than something like "exquisitely beautiful" or "so full of perfection and power that it rocketed out of the stratosphere!" Granted, intention has an impact, and meaning to "kill" something in a good way may end up feeling good at some level, but all of our subconscious associations with words also have an impact, and as we know, the subconscious is a superpower. It's interesting to me that these common phrases all have an element of violence to them, a pervasive part of our culture. But it also seems optional to resonate with that, even subconsciously - not required!

It might be fun to watch your language patterns sometime, and notice how you speak to your children or students or just people around you. Or yourself. :)

Love to you all, in the infinite awareness that we each are, rockstars of the universe. So glad we're playing here together! 

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

The Brilliant Power of your Subconscious

See only love, hear only love, speak only love.

Our subconscious mind understands and processes in images, much like our dreams. And we can't negate an image. For instance, if I say, "Don't think of the color of your car," (go ahead...try it... ... ...  how did it go?), probably the first thing you did was think of the color of your car. Because your subconscious went with the image of "the color of your car" rather than the verbal instruction of "don't." Neuro-linguistic research shows us that the subconscious will make such a decision up to 7 seconds before the conscious mind even gets a chance. You can't override it, much like a reflex. So "Don't drink and drive" would actually be much better phrased "Only drive sober" (thank you Jo Dunning for this example!). Or instead of saying, "Don't focus on what's wrong in your life," you could go with "Keep your awareness on the presence of Love." Any time we preface an instruction (even if it's an "affirmation") with "don't" or "never" or any other negating word, we're actually reinforcing the very thing we wish to shift. Even saying "I am pain-free" can encourage the subconscious to focus on pain. Look instead for a positive way to phrase the statement, focusing on what you'd like to have (health, comfort, freedom, energy, etc.).

So as I looked at these cute little leaf stem hearts we passed on our dog walk today, instead of "See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil," I thought "See only love, hear only love, speak only love." Doesn't that feel nice?


Monday, June 23, 2014

Love Wave

Whether it comes like a fiery comet from the sky, or soft and cool as whitecaps on a wave, 
LOVE meets my YES.


Thursday, June 12, 2014

Cosmic Heart

Your Heart is the Universe.  
You can play and explore forever in its vast, open spaces.
There is always more.
Whatever you're looking for, it is there. 
There is nothing you won't find 
In this endless, eternal, infinite Love that 
You are, that We are, that Is. 
Know your Heart, and you know God.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Being Love

Love is what we are. 

Not our identity - personality or profession or appearance or family tree. It is our very Be-ing.

It isn't what we do, no matter how helpful or good that might be.

Love is Being. It is the very core of our Being, our essence. So Love is simply Being who we are. 
Loving is Being who we are. Any discord we feel is when we forget to Be Who We Are.

Hi Love. I Love You. I See You. I Am You.
Love, Love.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Hawaii Hearts

Here is a sampling from some heart walks I've taken while on retreat here. We've been opening up new energies, exploring other dimensions, diving deep into the well of Love. We've been blessed to swim with dolphins, spend time on the beach, and bask in the glow of the enormous, loving presence of each other. It's all the One, so I thought I'd share with you, since you're part of it, too! Let's here it for One! One One ONE ONE ONE!!!!  That's us. Dolphin-beach-ocean-sun-human-divine-here-there-everywhere Love to you. I'm so glad you're here. :)