Saturday, April 26, 2014

Seeing Your Future

Every year in May my friend Shelley and I head to Fessler's nursery and fill our car with flowers for our yards. This little guy sitting in a flat at Rite Aid reminded me that our trip is just around the corner. FLOWIES!!! I love them. Here we come!!!

Sometimes I play with imagining what is in my future and then energetically reverse engineering it into my present (thank you Rikka Zimmerman, for this great idea!). Since ultimately time isn't linear, we can play with bringing our future into our lives right now.  Like going from pool to pool at a hot-springs. I might be sitting in one pool where it seems like my whole world is that temperature, but I could just as easily get up and go dip into a different one, one much warmer and more sparkly. And voila!

My favorite topic for this is awakening. What if the illusion of separation - between me and God, between me and others, between "me" (as in my identity/personality/physical self) and Me (the infinite being, my true self) was no longer there? What if I was living in full consciousness of my eternal being now, rather than waiting? What would that feel like? SO GOOD! What would I be thinking, doing and saying? Anything, and it would all be miraculous! What would feel like a problem? Nothing! :) Can you feel this place of perfection - of non-duality, non-judgment, unconditional love, and open-spaced freedom? When I go there, my spiritual garden has already come home and is in full, eternal bloom.  So beautiful.

What would you like to play with from your future today? Bring it in! It's all here, anyhow, right next to you (or within you) in a dimension you just haven't played in yet. It's always right here.

I hope your day is as open-ended, miraculous, beautiful and infinite as you are. Love you!

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Hungry? Ask Your Body

Green Jasmine tea bag

Chickpea and sweet potato falafels
There is so much information around lately about how to eat, what to eat, what not to eat, etc. There are foods I usually avoid, and others I keep to a minimum. But everything is always changing, and what our bodies need is changing as well. While external input can be helpful information, the wisdom in your own cells is always the highest authority. You're the greatest expert on you!

The simplest thing for me is to ask my body what it wants. Sometimes I just say, "Body, what would you like right now?" or "How could I best support you?" Last night I was physically agitated at bedtime so I asked my body what it would like and it gave me the answer "structured water with energy greens." It hit the spot, and 15 minutes later I was sleeping.  Often the answers I get when I ask are not what I expect. Many times what "sounds good" to me isn't actually what my body is asking for, so it's worth checking in and listening beyond cravings or mind patterns.

The middle picture comes from a recipe from Trinity Bourne's Conscious Kitchen website. She offers vegan recipes with tons of great ideas, and I really enjoy exploring both her food suggestions and the consciousness and energy behind them.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Out on a Limb

by my friend Marva's office window

Scotch Broom at the top of the ski bowl (aka the edge of the pooping field) near our house

Bleeding Heart sighted on a dog walk detour

"Why not go out on a limb? That's where all the fruit is," or "Sometimes you have to go out on a limb," or "You've got to go out on a limb," or... quote attributed on the internet to Jackson Browne, Will Rogers, Mark Twain, and who knows who else?

I think it's all the same - limbs, fruits, roots, extremities, fruitcakes. Life is ALL. That's what I know. Not some, not part, not here or there. All and everywhere. So there.

PS - aren't the colors magnificent?
PPS - I love you!

Friday, April 11, 2014

Night Opening

Night is many things to many people. It has been many things to me throughout my life, too - friend, enemy, respite, tedium and terror. Most often any more I experience it as freedom. When I'm asleep, my heart and spirit are free to travel and experience multi-dimensionality, unencumbered by physical form. Night feels soft to me, and welcoming.  It feels open and unknown. I think we all play together there a lot more than we are typically aware. Maybe we'll meet out there on the infinite playing field sometime soon. Perhaps I'll see you and you'll see me, under the cover of darkness, where all of that light is, yours and mine.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Love from the Heart

I am Love, Love from the Heart of God.
You are Love, the Love of Creation.
We are Love, Love from the Heart of God.
We are Love - the Love of God.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

What's your EQ? (best Smarty Pants Dance ever)

Today I'm thinking about emotional intelligence, sometimes referred to as EQ. We've all heard a lot about IQ, but only more recently have been learning about EQ. Neuro-research is revealing EQ to be much more important than IQ in experiencing success in areas of life such as career and relationship, and is finding it key for attaining states of peacefulness, compassion, happiness... the list goes on and on. To me it's where the gold is.

I experience emotional intelligence as fluidity, a flow of the truth of experience through awareness. If something comes up in us and we've mastered emotional intelligence, we feel it right then. It moves through us quickly and completely. We can easily identify the feeling, and more importantly, we recognize it as ours. By this I mean we are 100% responsible for it rather than laying the blame on whoever or whatever triggered it. Ultimately all of our emotions are information about us, not the world around us, no matter what sets them in motion. EQ is, in short, an ability to honestly experience what we are feeling, own it, and move on. It sounds simple, but we are taught from a very young age to be truly unintelligent, even dishonest in this way. ("Jimmy, say you're sorry." Jimmy, who is 3 and isn't remotely sorry for smacking his sister, lies because his parents insist. Whatever he was really feeling is shelved). Many of us have learned such an automatic stop or diversion mechanism, we don't ever actually feel what we feel. We completely circumvent or bury our feelings before we know what they are. If left unearthed, this treasure trove of emotion (energy) can turn into all sorts of maladies down the road.

Emotions and the biochemistry they trigger in our bodies last about 90 seconds. That is, if we actually experience them! If we don't, they can go on for years. We can also extend them through instant replay, like watching a movie scene over and over again, re-triggering the resulting biochemistry each time we think about it.  But as we learn to be more emotionally intelligent, we feel our feelings all the way through fully and deeply the first time and move on. They are done. We haven't resisted them because "we shouldn't feel that way." We haven't fixed them in us by assuming the role of victim. We haven't judged what we felt. And we don't need to go back to them again because we had the experience 100% the first time. Which leaves us free to be present to whatever is happening now, i.e our life.

I once watched acute irritation move through an emotionally intelligent person. I could almost see the current move up through his body like a flash. It burned hot and then was gone within about 2 seconds. This made a real impression on me, as I often have to be alone and in a safe place before emotions will venture forth at all, and by then they might be days old! Well, okay, when I first started working in this way, I'm sure many were years old. Lifetimes, probably. But even within a few days emotions can gain steam and mutate themselves into all sorts of confusion. It's been a real journey to learn to identify and stay current with what I'm feeling, moment to moment. And I love it. You can feel when an experience is clean and clear, when you're present to what is, in the flow.

And, like so many things in the journey of consciousness, when we really dive in, it becomes fun and even funny. By the end of today I was just feeling pissed. Probably there were lots of reasons, but more important than the why was simply the what. I was angry. So I drove home telling the world how f-ing stupid it is, how I hate it, how I hate this planet and everything on it. And as I went all of the way into my anger, I began to giggle. Once I had the full experience, there was no hanging on to it, and those emotions showed themselves to be just what they were - energy that needed to move. I giggled on past all of the houses I'd cursed, laughing myself home. Isn't it nice to know that living in the stuck sludge of emotional dullness is optional, not required? :)

pictured above: detail of smudge on tea kettle lid

Monday, April 7, 2014


                                                                         Good timber does not grow with ease:
                                                                         The stronger wind, the stronger trees;
                                                                         The further sky, the greater length;
                                                                         The more the storm, the more the strength.

                                                                               - from Good Timber by Douglas Malloch

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Sparkle Heart

I love the pink and green reflections on the Mill stream, heart chakra colors. I love the way the light looks more real, more present than the water. I love the way it changes in every moment. What's new in your brilliance today? (You are brilliant, you know. I know stuff :)

(and is it just me, or can you see a sort of girly Jabba the Hut in the bottom 1/4 of this photo? Hm...)

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Forever after land

Once we enter the magical realm of the heart, we wonder how we ever lived before. And then we realize we weren't really living. With a slight of hand, life goes from being driven by the mind to being navigated by the heart - seamlessly, effortlessly, and the world opens up like a thousand kingdoms where before there were none.