Sunday, December 21, 2014


A colleague of mine shared this poem with me last week. I love William Stafford. Once when asked how he was able to produce so much poetry (he wrote at least a poem a day for the last 20 years of his life), he answered, 
"I have very low standards." We can do amazing things when we give up the idea of perfection, 
which means realizing that everything is in fact, that.


It could happen any time, tornado,
earthquake, Armageddon. It could happen.
Or sunshine, love, salvation.

It could, you know. That's why we wake
and look out – no guarantees
in this life.

But some bonuses, like morning,
like right now, like noon,
like evening.

 - William Stafford

Today, I say "yes" to whatever is. This moment. This life. This love. This now.

Pointsettia heart courtesy of the Safeway floral department in Ballard, WA. 
Thanks for your heart eye, Rob. :)


Saturday, December 6, 2014

News Flash: What's Your Story?

Ice storm covers our Dogwood tree with a layer of crystal

Stories make the news. Usually bad or painful stories. Painful things happen in our world every day.

And so do beautiful, loving, and exquisite things. Every day, people love. They radiate joy. They create beauty. They be the infinite beauty that they are. But being love isn't much of a story, is it? And even the stories we hear on the news of something inspirational or uplifting often are framed by the struggle that made them stand out: the person who gives the dying child their wish of meeting a famous sports figure, the anonymous giver who delivers presents to a poor family, the gentle soul who rescues abused animals.

What if we were captivated by the incredible power of love for love's sake, love that just IS? No story, no contrast to what is "wrong," just the infinite presence of love? It's not much of a headline draw, is it? "Gertrude drove to work radiating peace and love." "As Neil sat at his office desk, he sent thoughts of love and support to all of his co-workers." "Sarah embodied the presence of infinite love today." "Sam's playful joy made everyone smile and giggle for hours."

Doesn't it sound good? "Ellen radiated infinite space and freedom from her heart and the world was transformed." "A ribbon of crystalline light emanated from him, lifting everyone in his presence into a sense of peace and well-being." "All the world took a breath of love together - breathed it in, became it, and conflict ceased. Everyone looked around, a little dazed, and wondered what the fuss had been all about."

In such a world, we'd easily lose interest in painful stories, because we simply wouldn't see them any more. They vaporized in the presence of so much love. Nothing happened, no story to report, no dramatic upheaval. Love, peace, joy and beauty just finally came into full focus and nothing else could stand.