Saturday, April 26, 2014

Seeing Your Future

Every year in May my friend Shelley and I head to Fessler's nursery and fill our car with flowers for our yards. This little guy sitting in a flat at Rite Aid reminded me that our trip is just around the corner. FLOWIES!!! I love them. Here we come!!!

Sometimes I play with imagining what is in my future and then energetically reverse engineering it into my present (thank you Rikka Zimmerman, for this great idea!). Since ultimately time isn't linear, we can play with bringing our future into our lives right now.  Like going from pool to pool at a hot-springs. I might be sitting in one pool where it seems like my whole world is that temperature, but I could just as easily get up and go dip into a different one, one much warmer and more sparkly. And voila!

My favorite topic for this is awakening. What if the illusion of separation - between me and God, between me and others, between "me" (as in my identity/personality/physical self) and Me (the infinite being, my true self) was no longer there? What if I was living in full consciousness of my eternal being now, rather than waiting? What would that feel like? SO GOOD! What would I be thinking, doing and saying? Anything, and it would all be miraculous! What would feel like a problem? Nothing! :) Can you feel this place of perfection - of non-duality, non-judgment, unconditional love, and open-spaced freedom? When I go there, my spiritual garden has already come home and is in full, eternal bloom.  So beautiful.

What would you like to play with from your future today? Bring it in! It's all here, anyhow, right next to you (or within you) in a dimension you just haven't played in yet. It's always right here.

I hope your day is as open-ended, miraculous, beautiful and infinite as you are. Love you!

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