Sunday, May 25, 2014

Shape Shifters

"We have two contradictory pictures of reality; separately neither of them fully explains the phenomena of light, but together they do." - Albert Einstein

Al made this comment in reference to wave-particle duality, which is a fundamental concept in quantum mechanics (energy appears as either particles or waves depending on whether or not it is being observed). Our entire visible universe is built on this "duality paradox." Witness the above flower. Observed in one way, it is obviously a heart. From another vantage point, it simply looks like a classic calla lily. The heart shape caught my eye today. Imagine that! :) Would it have ever been a heart if I hadn't observed it just so, from that very spot and angle? Viewed in a certain way, probably anything could look like a heart. Yes.

I like thinking of Einstein's quote with the word "love" instead of "light" (spiritually, love and light are often referenced as one and the same). "We have two contradictory pictures of reality; separately, neither of them fully explains the phenomena of love, but together they do." The two pictures in this sense are the physical and the eternal, the human and the divine. If you've hung around my blog much, you probably know that I believe everything in our world is made of the fundamental fabric of love. This is easier to grasp when we realize our very beings exhibit the duality paradox. We have our finite, human bodies, and we have our infinite, divine selves. Separately neither of them fully accounts for our experience here in the earthly plane, but together, they do (fully human, fully divine - try wrapping your cognitive mind around that one!). And for me, many times these experiences are irreconcilable. One really doesn't make sense in the presence of the other. Grief sits right along side the peace that passes all understanding. Giggling comes in the middle of rage. Exquisite beauty sits in the midst of atrocities that make our hearts ache. And so on. And while we may not experience grief, rage and atrocities as what we think of as "love," all I can say is, well, "Yes." To me, it's all love (energy) in the end - one spectrum making up one strange experiment in duality, i.e. "reality." So I plan to keep my eyes on (and in) the heart. No surprise there. :)

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