Wednesday, June 25, 2014

The Brilliant Power of your Subconscious

See only love, hear only love, speak only love.

Our subconscious mind understands and processes in images, much like our dreams. And we can't negate an image. For instance, if I say, "Don't think of the color of your car," (go ahead...try it... ... ...  how did it go?), probably the first thing you did was think of the color of your car. Because your subconscious went with the image of "the color of your car" rather than the verbal instruction of "don't." Neuro-linguistic research shows us that the subconscious will make such a decision up to 7 seconds before the conscious mind even gets a chance. You can't override it, much like a reflex. So "Don't drink and drive" would actually be much better phrased "Only drive sober" (thank you Jo Dunning for this example!). Or instead of saying, "Don't focus on what's wrong in your life," you could go with "Keep your awareness on the presence of Love." Any time we preface an instruction (even if it's an "affirmation") with "don't" or "never" or any other negating word, we're actually reinforcing the very thing we wish to shift. Even saying "I am pain-free" can encourage the subconscious to focus on pain. Look instead for a positive way to phrase the statement, focusing on what you'd like to have (health, comfort, freedom, energy, etc.).

So as I looked at these cute little leaf stem hearts we passed on our dog walk today, instead of "See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil," I thought "See only love, hear only love, speak only love." Doesn't that feel nice?



  1. Thank you, Christine, for another good enlightenment. I enjoyed this.
