Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Heart of Creation

OK, this is not for the faint of heart! But isn't it beautiful? 

Moments after birth I say, "Natalie! There's a heart in your placenta! Can I take it's picture?" "Oh sure! A lot of people do placenta photography."

Placenta photography. Another one of the many things I never knew about!

This was so beautiful to me. Heart of creation.

Since then we've seen cloud hearts and diaper hearts and the usual environmental hearts. We've discovered Maizee's power bottom, as she's capable of incredible projectile pooping (nothing in her vicinity is off limits). And we've basked in her angelic nature - content, sweet and easy. I love watching her while she sleeps. Her expression changes moment by moment. Anguish, surprise, distaste, delight and bliss tumble one after another across her cute face, an effortless swoop through a waterslide of emotion. With no past to fix anything in place and no thoughts on which to attach meaning, there is only flow. This. Now this. And this and this. Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh.

Love is everywhere, in everything. Sometimes it cries, sometimes it smiles. When we know this, we see it. In everything.

Picture posted with permission. :)