Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Expect Love

Tree bark, neighborhood dog walk

Is it God or the devil that is in the details? Old adages put it both ways. For me the proof is in the pudding, so to speak. Since beginning my journey of heart treasure hunting, I’ve watched in amazement as they show up in the most unremarkable minutia of life, like this detail of tree bark. I believe that whatever we want or expect to see will eventually come into view. This would be the nature of manifestation. Heaven is often described this way by those who have had NDE’s, or Near Death Experiences. Apparently, after leaving the body, the inter-dimensional traveler will discover whatever it is they most expect to see, whether it be pearly gates, a fathomless abyss or their favorite relative. Since we can’t know for sure while sitting at this juncture what is beyond it, whether that be the next moment or the afterlife, why not expect love?


  1. This is a beautiful site, Christine! Your mom shared it with me and I LOVE it. What a beautiful blessing, passing it & heartfelt blessings, Barbara
