Sunday, December 8, 2013

The Tipping Point


It's reached that point, the tipping point, where the momentum has been building and finally spills over the edge and there is no going back. I've been finding hearts for a few years, watching my awareness and discovery move from occasional to frequent to now constant. I saw so many on our dog walk yesterday that, after my phone died half way through, I decided to go back out with my regular camera. These above were all from about 30 minutes of noticing.

I see a parallel between the tipping of the hearts and the expansion of our hearts into knowing. We go along for a while getting flashes of the truth of who we are and the infinite perspective on this earthly zoo, glimpsing that truth like posts we zip past on a train, as Fred Buechner said. Sometimes our train stops and the truth comes into supreme focus for an infinitely clear moment or two. But there comes a point where the glimpses are no longer the exception, and they aren't just glimpses. They are one eternal and constant view into the heart of God, through our hearts, which are all one and the same. And we realize we have no f-ing idea what any of it is, but we know that it goes on forever. And then we are there forever (wherever there is!). 

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