Saturday, February 1, 2014

Beautiful Body

Another variation on the heart rock theme, also from Buena Vista, Colorado. This one pretty well blew my mind when I spotted it. Say what? Sedimentary, ignatius or celestial - who knows!?

I share it with you in honor of your beautiful body, the amazing vehicle of your divine consciousness. Today I'm loving on our bodies for the following reasons: #1: They are always truth-tellers. Unlike our minds, which can bargain, bully, and outright bullshit, our bodies only give us the straight-up truth. #2: The information they give is perfectly accurate and wise, 24/7. Our bodies never lie, and they are brilliant. #3: They also never criticize our minds. Seems to me the mind isn't quite the same friend to the rest of the body! And #4: This amazing bundle of creation is the home for our souls to come and play here on earth, to learn, to experience, and to expand. Such a gift! Thank you, beautiful body, for carrying me through. Thank you for your wisdom and for being the divine vessel that you are. Thank you even when I don't understand, when things appear broken or wrong, and when I imagine you are my enemy and I want to shoot the messenger!

They say we're all made of star dust. Looks to me like that dust has cleaned up pretty well. I have often said to our dogs, "Thank you for coming as Sasha!" or "Thank you for coming as Maxwell!" So today, I say to this amazing energetic impulse of divine creation that has assembled itself into a miraculous bunch of molecules and cells, "Thank you for coming as Christine!" Try offering this gratitude to yourself. It's really fun. Can you hear the heavenly echo?

"You're welcome!"


  1. thank you for this absolutely beautiful post! this is something that every woman (and man!) I know needs to be told and reminded. I'm going to share this on a fb site that a friend of mine made, specifically for supporting and encouraging women to love themselves as they are.
