Sunday, February 9, 2014

Out of Control

My favorite and most delightful hearts always find me when I'm not looking, when I'm not trying, and when I have no idea what's out there. Like this one. Which I didn't even find! Rob showed it to me. Oh. My. God. You think I might get this by now, that this is life. That this is how we are meant to live - out of control, not trying or efforting, in a continued state of openness and receptivity to the field of infinite possibility of constant motion, change and flow (otherwise known as grace). A field that 100% of the time reveals and blesses more than my singular imagination ever will. So there to remind me was this snow heart at the end of the driveway, the driveway that Rob shoveled squeaky clean yesterday, and somehow it just plopped itself here today.

Expectation and need for an outcome are control. I am choosing out of control. Yaaaaaaay!!! I see the control beast rear up in me and in the mirror around me - otherwise known as you guys :) So I speak about myself here: about the desire to be right, get it right, be good, teach stuff to other people so they can get it right, too, because won't that mean I'm loveable and liked and succeeding and so on and on and on, which will mean I'm safe and therefore will survive. Maybe lots of people will click "like" on facebook so I won't be annihilated! It's funny, isn't it?! Holy crap. And none of it is true. Getting it "right" is just another description of separation, and separation is an illusion. Never mind that we call it reality. That's funny, too!

Here is what out of control means to me: in love. Want to come be in love with me? I'm in love with you. :)

A few more heart surprises from the dog walk in the slush - out of control, in love. 

 Look! the control beast is in LOVE!!!! :)
He's all cute and smiley. 

slush heart almost got stepped on

1 comment:

  1. As one of your beloved control beasts...I say a "heart-y" AMEN! I am choosing grace whenever I possibly can - and when I can't (because I'm not always in control of choosing) I say, "oh, well...its all good"
