Sunday, February 16, 2014

Everything is Changing!

Isn't this funny? Here I was in the hotel in Jackson, MS, brushing my teeth, getting ready for bed on our last night here, and look what dropped in! A heart in the flow. So fun.

Lately I've been playing with the idea that everything is in motion. We think of so many things as set or given: situations in our lives, our bodies, even the way we think. But nothing stays the same, ever. It isn't even possible, because molecules themselves are in a constant state of motion and change is the nature of the universe. As I open myself up to this truth, I am having a fun time noticing that it is my response to (or thoughts about) experiences that cause the perception of fixed. And since that's just my perception, stuck/same/fixed is always optional, never given. More accurately, it's not even true!

What if you imagined your body as vibrating, flowing energy - what would be possible for you? What if you imagined your world as full of possibility through motion rather than the same old same old? What if you didn't need to experience the same thing over and over, but could flow through it and on to what's beyond that, and beyond that, and beyond that?

Each time I bring my attention to this way of being and flowing, it's easier, lighter and more natural. It's like learning a new game to play. Doesn't it sound like fun? :) Does to me.

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