Monday, March 24, 2014

Love Moments

A cherry blossom finishes its bloom
Love floats.

Cooking up some love - olive oil in skillet (don't they look like little islands?)

Shot from my car window while getting gas

A friend shared a quote on facebook: "Anyone can slay a dragon, she told me, but try waking up every morning and loving the world all over again. That's what takes a real hero." - Brian Andreas and Spiritual Ecology, via Jenny Siegel.

Isn't it nice that the world loves on us, too? It loves us by being the straight-up truth teller. Don't we feel more loved when someone trusts us enough to tell us the truth rather than to handle us with a lie? So if we don't love ourselves, the universe shows us that in everyone around us over and over. It's neutral, really, this universal mirror. It loves us so much it never makes up our story for us, just shows us what we believe and how we are in relationship with ourselves. It feels to me like the most heroic deed is to love ourselves to the core. Once we do, everything else is covered, and love spills out unconditionally to the world. Love's nature is to love.

This morning I asked myself what about I really want to be different about me, what I just wish would go away forever. The answer I got was control. So I spent a bit of time accepting that part of me rather than rejecting it. Rejecting is resistance, which fixes the experience in our energy field and being. I allowed myself to love my need for control and the way I visit that on me and my environment. I recognized "control" as simply another energy that is asking to be returned to love. I felt a softening in my center, and a relief. Try it. Take something you really don't like about yourself (which no doubt shows up in people around you!) and accept it as fully as you are able. Know it is only here because your soul has asked for it and the universe is supporting you 100% by showing it to you. Receive, accept, soften, and deepen into it, and be in love with yourself. See what happens. The beauty is that once we've fully accepted and loved this aspect of ourselves, it no longer needs to show up around us in the same challenging way. Yay!  I'll support you energetically in your process if you're interested (just state your intention to receive it to yourself - that's all that's needed). And then enjoy your new-found inner lovesong. I'm singing it, too. Hmm hm hmmm hm hm mmmmmmmmm.

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